Capitalizing on the Cozy Loafin Lifestyle Trend

From The Hustle

Since covid, people are learning to get comfortable, cozy, and entertain themselves at home.

It’s deeper than no-shave and sweatpants… 

See the incline on this R/Cozy chart? 300k folks want to be catered to.

You could facilitate comfort. May we present a few novel opportunities:Emotional escape rooms, with themes like rage, music, and crystals. This Premium Foam Porrable Message Bed is an Amazon product is selling millions of dollars worth each month. 

$60 back and neck massager: Y-y-you g-g-gotta see this.

Other swank concepts like curvy furniture and “flexercise” are detailed inside the Trends report.  We’re the premium research extension of The Hustle. Access rolling market signals and the unrivaled community of experts.  If you are looking for a good niche to build a website around, this may be the one.

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