Over the past ten years I have been hired by dozens of network marketing companies, and top organizations to teach my 3 hour seminar “How to Create Leads for Your Network Marketing Business”.
My observation is this:
95% of the people associated with any network marketing organization are good, honest, hard working people. They are loyal to their company and their products and services. They want to build a business, but they have absolutely no clue how to create a constant flow of new prospects.
They attend every company event, they listen in on every training conference call or webinar, but they couldn’t create 50 new leads this month if their life depended on it.
How do you think you are ever going to build a business if you are not consistently exposing new prospects?
It is sad but true. Most network marketing distributors talk to a few people they know in their warm market and after that they never develop the skill sets that allow them to create an ongoing flow of prospects for their business.
This must change. As an industry we have to teach people proven, effective ways to generate leads for their business. Let me ask you a personal question, what methods are you currently using every week to create prospects for your business? How many methods? We teach if you don’t use a minimum of 5 generating methods every week, you don’t have a chance of ever creating any kind of momentum in your business.
In this report I am going to share with you the method I use to email 100,000+ business minded prospects each and every month spam free. This is one of my favorite methods because I sponsor new members every month from safe list.
I understand that there are many “self proclaimed MLM Training Gurus” teaching people a lot of idea’s that sound good, but are really nothing more than fascinating stories that sound good.
From how to F.O.R.M. prospects to the attraction marketing BS in the market place, it really turns my stomach.
This is the concept you have to get from your head to your heart. Recruiting is a NUMBERS GAME! We are all looking for the right person at the right time in their life.
Please wrap your mind around this concept. For you to get from where you are right now, to where you want to go in your business there is X number of people you are going to need to expose before that goal becomes a reality.
Please re-read that statement.
The truth is YOU HAVE A NUMER! I don’t know what your number is, you don’t know what your number is, but we both know, the law of averages tell’s us, YOU HAVE A NUMBER !!
I am fascinated by the number of network marketing distributors who are NOT GOING THROUGH AS MANY NUMBERS AS THEY CAN on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. It blows my mind. Nothing is more important for the success of your business than to master lead generation. NOTHING!
I get so sick and tired of those teaching people that network marketing and prospecting is about developing a relationship with your prospect! That is absolute crap, excuse my language, but it infuriates me!
If someone teaches you how to develop a relationship with your prospect, or worse than that how to F.O.R.M them …. run!
F amily
O ccupation
R ecreation
M essage
If you get anything in this report, understand Network Marketing TEAM BUILDING is about developing relationships, PROSPECTING is about getting through the numbers and NOT getting emotionally involved with your prospects!
The next concept I need you to internalize as it relates to lead generation is every lead generation method you implement will give you a positive return on your investment over time.
The reason I can say this with certainty is because of what I call the “Duplication Factor” of network marketing and I have proved this to myself many times over the past 30 years.
Simply, what I am trying to communicate is if you persist with any particular lead generation technique, it doesn’t matter if it is with dropcards, safelist, postcards, road signs, FaceBook, or any of the dozens of methods we teach ……….. eventually that method will bring you 1 person that will pay for every nickel you ever invest in that method.
Quite frankly I have sponsored many people who have created tens of thousands of dollars in income for me and a few that have created over $100,000 in income. When I think about it, I have one couple alone that came from a postcard, that have paid for every nickel I spend on advertising for the rest of my career earning me nearly ½ million dollars in income.
So understand and create a long term vision for what you are doing. I am not saying to spend money you don’t have, but I am saying to not be afraid to advertise your business when you are using proven ad copy and methods.
You know the old saying “Early to bed and early to rise, work like heck and advertise”.
We have always taught that you should invest your retail profits from the sale of your products and services back into your business as well as establishing an advertising budget. Your advertising budget should be a percentage of your commissions and bonuses. When I first started years ago I had a good paying corporate job, so I didn’t need to pull cash from my business and 100% of my business income went back into my business.
Some people thought I was crazy, but today I am in a position where I would never have to invest another penny in any kind of promotion or advertising if I chose not to.
So, I think it is smart move for network marketers, or any business to establish and advertising budget.
What is a Safelist?
Basically a safelist is a gathering of like minded individuals who have agreed to exchanges emails. You agree to receive ads from all the others members in exchange for the opportunity to send your own email promotion to them. This concept has many advantages, here’s a couple of them.
The advantages of safelist marketing
For one, it’s spam free, members have to double opt-in to the safelist and thereby agreeing to receive your ads, should some “Forgetful Freddie” decide that the safelist mail is spam it’s not really your problem as the mail is not sent from your email address or server. Actually this is the origin of the name, a safelist is a closed community where it is safe for members to exchange email promotions.
The second advantage is quite obvious but many people fail to see this, what do all safelist members have in common? They have something to promote, but they have not advanced far enough in their internet marketing career to dismiss a very mundane task as posting to safelist is. That means that if you have a product, report, ebook, income opportunity etc. that can help people on the way to internet glory, the average safelist user is an excellent prospect for you.
Why I will always use safelists
I could probably make do without safelists but I sure wont. Safelist are a starting point for many newbie marketers and picking those people up as subscribers and customers can be very profitable e.g. they do not own every product out there and they do not know everything, meaning that you have if they do decide to join your team they will probably be teachable. You can see this as opposed to getting *Dale Calvert* on your list, when your initial giggling wears off you will probably realize that I really am on the inside of the industry and know about the majority of MLM programs a couple of months before they launch.
A lot of my promotions are done by staff members or I outsource them.
However I normally do my own safelist promotions.
I keep my user name and passwords in a word document together. They are part of my ongoing promotions.
What you need to understand before you start marketing with Safelist
I have tested over 100 different safelist over the years. I have eliminated 20 of them and now only use 10 which I will share with you later. After watching my stats and the number of clicks I was generating over time I was able to eliminate 20.
When you join a safelist they allow you to send 500-1000 emails on average every day, three days, or seven days. Different safe list have different terms. Most allow you to upgrade and by upgrading you are able to send a greater number of emails, usually 3000 – 5000 more frequently usually every 3 days.
By clicking on the links in the emails of other members you can earn more credits that will allow you to send more emails. I have students that are able to email thousands of people every week free of charge because they take the time to click on the links in other members emails.
As I mentioned early I have tested over 100 different safelist. I initially join as a free member and after I identified the list that are sending me converting traffic I upgrade my account. Personally I would rather pay a fee to be able to send out more emails more frequently than to take the time to click on members emails. Thankfully I am the minority, if everyone did that of course you could never expect results with safelist.
Before you start using safelist you need to set up what are commonly called a junk email account. You need to register your junk email account with the safelist so you don’t clog up your email box with messages from tons of members, especially after you join multiple safelist.
We recommend using setting up your junk account with Google. If you know how to set up folders in a google account you could use your primary account. That is what I do and I simply have emails from safelist skip my inbox and go directly into my safelist folder.
There are two important ideas I want to share with you here regarding safelist marketing. I always promote a lead capture page. This way when people opt in they are now on one of my house list. I never send visitors directly to a website or affiliate promotion. I always send them to a lead capture page. By doing this I add thousands of new opt in members to my in house list every year.
Below are a couple of the lead capture pages and or blogs where I collect
email addresses.
Remember the people reading the emails are entrepreneur minded. All of my lead capture pages are focused on entrepreneur minded people and or network marketers.
The key to success with safelist is to get members to click and open your email.
They key is a good subject line, but please be truthful and don’t make outrageous claims of earning millions is 1 minute and 17 seconds!
I will share with you my best 3 subject lines. I don’t know what you paid for this report but what I am getting to share with you is worth 1000 times whatever you invested.
Are you ready?
Here are my best 4 subject lines
Here is my personal cell phone number
For network marketing professionals only
I am trying to reach {firstname}
Video for {firstname}
(Note on #3) most safelist allow you to insert other members names by using brackets as shown above. Different safelist have different parameters which will be spelled out for you in their instructions.
The next thing I can share with you is keep your message short. Most of my emails are two paragraphs or less.
Ok I have shared with you the everything you need to know to get started with safelist. So the next obvious question is what are the best safelist to use?
Here is my in house list of the Top 10 safelist.
I have assembled this list after using safelist for many years and tracking and testing my results.

This is my favorite safelist because it has a lot of network marketing members. Most safelist members are more internet marketing minded, but not this group. This program has over 72,000 members at the time of this writing. I am an upgraded member which allows me to send 3,000 emails every 3 days. This list has made me a lot of money and I sponsor new team members almost every month from the viral url list.
$147 Annual 60,000 a Month

I have been a member of list Joe for as long as I can remember. This is a wonderful safelist with a lot of active members. Over 60,000 members.
I am an upgraded member here also and can send 3,000 emails every 3 days. I have found many customers for Network Marketing Support Services over the years with this list, and sponsored an APLGO team member on my 2nd email campaign with List Joe.
Gold 30,000 Month $397.00 a Year

This is a very unique mailer and has a few different perks that allow you overtime to build up to frequent large mailings. The response rate is very good and guaranteed. New free members receive 500 emails delivered at the time you join and you can send 500 weekly and click ads and earn mailing credits.
Free Members email 500 Members Every 3 Days

Sunrider Safe List makes it easy to create mail credits by clicking ads. It is a little cumbersome, but after you use it a couple of times you will have it down.
Part 1
Part 2

This has been one of my favorite list for a long time. Not only can you do safe list promotions, but this website also features a traffic exchange surf platform as well. This platform is one you should join for sure.
$59.95 3,500 emails every 3 days.
#6 ADchiever
1,222 members at the time of this writing. This is a newer list with active subscribers.

This site has a lot of newbie opportunity seekers that are attempting to work multiple money game type programs. A lot of people “Tripping Over Financial Independence to get to a few Dollars”. The whole platform is the definition of “Appealing to Mediocrity”. However many people are there simply because they have bought the wrong philosophy.
Like all safelist programs, members are at least willing to take action, and for that reason I like this program for the safelist. Paying people to join you or sign up will never work when building a real network marketing team, so I would 100% disregard this part of the platform.

Free members can send 500 emails 1 time a week
One of the most popular safe list mailers online and one of my favorites. A large, active user base.
Super responsive mailing list site with a unique One-A-Day bonus system that rewards users for reading at least one email ad per day. This delivers tons of unique traffic! I have recently become an upgraded member.
Operated by same team that operates Build My Downlines. It is the same platform, but is a different membership.

This is a newer safe list program run by an experienced platform operator. Credits are based upon the number of emails opens, which insures your promotions are seen.
Free Members can mail every 5 days, you need to click 5 ads on the day you send your email. They have 4 -5 upgrade levels as you can see in the chart below. $54 for a lifetime upgrade to Superior is something I am going to do today, it looks like the best deal from the chart below currently published on their website.
I normally don’t like to invest in mailers until they are older and established. At the time of this writing this platform has less than a 1,000 members, however it is well run, and could grow to thousands over time, and when it does the value and price of memberships will increase. So sometimes it makes sense to get locked in early.

A newer safelist that appears to be growing quickly.
Earn Big Credits from Clicking Other Members Emails.

This is a new mailer and becoming more and more popular. As an upgraded member you can mail 1000 random members. I became an upgraded member, at the present time it is $5.99 a month and will definately increase if this list mailer grows.
The way I look at this, If one person joins from this list the the minimum up front comissions is $30.

Trend Mail has a variety of different types of members.


How to Upload a Banner to a Safelist Platform

Click the Banner Above to Join Leads Leap
A video for (Firstname)
Hi {firstname}
If you are SINCERELY ready to become a six-figure earner in
2021 and a millionaire within 5 years, you owe it to
yourself to watch this NEW Video from Network Marketing
Legend: Dale Calvert
Listen, I know how hypey that sounds but the truth is it is
coming from someone WHO HAS ALREADY DONE IT ONCE
and Mr. Calvert’s goal is to help 500 people become six-figure
earners and develop 10 millionaires on his personal team in
the next 5 years.
Mr Calvert is helping a booming European company launch in
North America & currently has the fastest growing team in
the USA. If you feel you may be a good addition to the
team, you can learn more here:
If you are the type of person he is looking for, YOU KNOW
IT, check this video out now, or everyone loses.
Your Name
Launch Team Leadership Team
I am trying to reach Firstname Lastname
If you are SINCEREY ready to become a
six-figure earner in 2021 and a millionaire within 5 years,
you owe it to yourself to watch this NEW Video from Network
Marketing Legend: Dale Calvert
Listen (FIRSTNAME) , I know how hypy that sounds but the truth is it is
coming from someone WHO HAS ALREADY DONE IT
ONCE and Mr.Calvert’s goal is to help 500 people become
six-figure earners and develop 10 millionaires on his personal
team in the next 5 years.
Mr Calvert is helping a booming European company launch in
North America & currently has the fastest growing team in
the USA. If you feel you may be a good addition to the
team, you can learn more here:
If you are the type of person he is looking for, YOU KNOW
IT, check this video out now, or everyone loses.
Promotions Manager
In this video Network Marketing Legend Reveals #1 Opportunity for 2021 & Why
If you are SINCERELY ready to become a six-figure earner in
2021 and a millionaire within 5 years, you owe it to
yourself to watch this NEW Video from Network Marketing
Legend: Dale Calvert
(Video available on YouTube, just search the title. I am not allowed to share link in this email)
Mr. Calvert is helping a booming European company launch in
North America & currently has the fastest growing team in
the USA. If you feel you may be a good addition to the
team, you can learn more here:
Your Name
Launch Team Leader
Millionaire Mentorship for (first name)
So the question I have is why are so many people
so busy attempting to make money online that they
don’t have time TO REALLY GET ON TRACK to make
2021 their best year yet.
Who are you learning from? Where are they taking
you? Are you trying to learn how to become financially independent from people that still have their day jobs?
Are you really interested in making money, or building
a long term business that pays you residual income for
Last question, if you could be mentored by someone who
has hundreds of people all over the world create full-time incomes, and a few become millionaires would you?
If you are tired of wasting your time and money on short term opportunities that rarely last ……. If you are ready to get involved with the right opportunity at THE RIGHT TIME in history and receive mentorship from a self-made home business millionaire then check out the video. If it makes sense to you, then I can get a call scheduled with you and Mr. Calvert.
Promotions Manager
Calvert Marketing Group
MLM Legend Out of Retirement Looking for 6 Leaders
Hi, my name is Risa. I am the promotions manager for Calvert Marketing Group. Network Marketing Legend Dale Calvert has come out of retirement to help an 9 year old booming European company launch in North America. His goal is to help 500 team members earn 100K and develop 10 Millionaires on his team in the next 5 years.
SOUNDS LIKE MLM HYPE DOESN’T IT? The difference, Mr. Calvert has already done it in the past, and this unique opportunity brought him out of retirement to do it again! If you are a team builder, Dale believes, this unique program can set you up for life and feed your grandkids.
He is only looking for BIG THINKERS that understand your success is dependent upon the Success of your team. If this is you, you know it, check it out and get the facts or we both lose! This offers legit 10K+ first month potential.
Check out the video and if you qualify, I can schedule a time for you to speak with Mr. Calvert.
Promotions Manager
Calvert Marketing Group
PS If you don’t see the value in starting at the 3K Diamond level, do not respond if that scares you. This is a serious opportunity for serious people.
#6 Serious, Career Minded Network Marketing Leaders Only Please
Do you know why most people who hit the six figure earning mark in network marketing are out of the business within 5 years?
Do you know why most six figure earners, never get to 7 figures?
IT IS THE SAME WORK! So what is the difference.
In one word ……… T I M I N G
It has been said, “A wise person learns from their own mistakes, BUT A REALLY WISE PERSONL LEARNS FROM THE MISTAKES OF OTHERS”
If you are a serious, career minded, network marketing team builder, watching this VIDEO is you opportunity to be “Really Wise”! If it makes sense I can get you on Mr. Calvert’s call calendar.
Promotions Manager
Calvert Marketing Group
Here is my personal phone number {firstname}
Hi my name is Risa, I am the promotional manager for network marketing legend Dale Calvert (Who has recently come out of retirement and building again)
If you are a member of viral url then I am confident you understand the wealth building, legacy income potential of network marketing if you find yourself in the right company, and the right time, WITH THE RIGHT TEAM of people. If you disagree with that statement please delete this email.
With that said, let these facts sink in.
* 9-Year-Old Booming European Company
* Category Creating Product
* Low $40 monthly auto ship
*Over 250,000 distributors in 30 countries around the world
*Top distributors are earning $100,000 plus M O N T H L Y.
That is why Mr. Calvert came out of retirement, he was the #1 recruiter in the world his first two months and is creating massive spill over for his team.
If you understand the significance of what you just read, Mr. Calvert would like to speak with you. Watch the attached presentation he did for you here:
Then call him immediately. 502 – 868 -6199
Promotional Manager
Calvert Market Group
PS. If you are still reading this then there is a chance you are the type of person Mr. Calvert wants to add to his North America Launch team. Click the link and watch the video NOW! Time is of the Essence.
#8 🔥🔥 Video for [fname] [lname]
Hi [fname,
Are you as sick and tired of most safe list members who are SICK & TIRED of reading emails promoting programs that pay pennies by email sender with day jobs?
Would if you could be personally mentored by a Self-Made Millionaire with a documented rags to riches story? What you take advantage of this unique
If you are the type of person we are looking for YOU KNOW IT.
VIDEO posted it here. This self-made millionaire found an opportunity that brought him out of retirement and he is going to help 500 people like you develop full-time incomes in the next 5 years. WHY NOT YOU?
Promotions Manager
Calvert Marketing Group
#1 Opportunity for 2021 & WHY
I heard a preacher say one time, if we had a crystal ball and could see the future we could all become millionaires.
* 9 Year old European Company operating in 30 Countries around the world
* They manufacture their own categoary creating product based upon negative ion science
* Low $40 PV monthly Autoship
You don’t have to be the sharpest person on the planet to understand what is getting ready to happen in North America. It is true, you we can see the future, by looking at the past and what has already happened around the world over the past 9 years!
We did over 1 million dollars in busniess or second month in North America.
I have the fastest growing team in the north america and I am the #1 recruiter in the world, which has produced massive spill over for our team members.
Our GOAL over the next 5 years is to develop 500 six figure earners on our team, and 10 millionaires. I sincerely believe we are looking at the next Herbalife or AL Williams that is why I came out of retirment to build this.
If you understand the significance of what you just read, and understand we are talking documented facts not mlm yada yada bs bs. then you owe it to yourself to open your mind and check out this video.
After you watch the video, if you feel we should talk, let me know. This is a serious opportunity for serious people.
To Your Success
Dale Calvert

It takes a few minutes to get set up with safelist, but the time is definitely worth it. The key to success with safelist is to be consistent. If you have the opportunity to email 1,000 people every week, then email 1,000 people every week.
Because of my upgraded accounts, I email over 100,000 safelist members every month. As previously described many of these people end up on my in house list.
Consider this, if you do nothing but become free members of the 10 list we have covered and they let you mail on average 500 members a week … that is 5000 emails a week, 20,000 emails a month!
Do you think you can generate some interest for your product or service emailing 20,000 entrepreneur minded people a month?
I know you can!
The secret as with all promotions is consistency!
“Consistent Effort doesn’t always create consistent
results, but it always creates Success”
I appreciate you investing in the report, if you enjoyed it please leave us a positive review on kindle by click here:
I am dedicated to your success.
Dale Calvert
Register for our Amazon update list to be notified when a new book is released on Amazon here http://www.DaleCalvert.com/Amazon