How this NEW colaboration with Direct Media and IHub Global can support your business and create more cashflow for you.

- Use the link the person that shared this page with you to register with IHub Global. (Use the email address loop has on file for you).
2. Plug in your device(s).
This new exciting program is in Beta right now, so congratulations – you are here early. You can start accumulating OVN tokens up to $200 a month (per screen), immediately after your loop device is hooked up and activated. You will be able to cash them in for dollars in the near future when the OVN token is placed on a crypto exchange. (If you need clarification on this contact the IHub representative that sent you to this webpage).
If you need clarification on anything covered in the videos above, please contact your IHub Global respresentative. If not, install your player and start collecting your OVN rewards. We will keep you updated as this progject moves forward and let you know when you can convert your tokens to cash.