Republished from Niche Persuits
So, I was browsing Fiverr yesterday (like any normal person) and noticed something a bit unusual.
I saw several “gigs” where you could hire someone to create a video of your product…and they will post it to THEIR Amazon Influencer Account.
On the surface this sounds great for brands that want exposure for their products. But for the Fiverr seller…this is totally double dipping (but in a socially acceptable way).
So, if I get this straight…the Fiverr seller gets paid to create a video and probably gets free product as well.
Then, they post it on their Amazon Influencer Account where they get paid AGAIN with any commissions these videos make.
Okay, mind blown.
I like the hustle.
However, most of the Fiverr gigs I saw doing this didn’t have very many reviews…which leads me to believe it’s not incredibly popular.
But the idea of “double dipping”…getting paid twice for 1 piece of work is solid.
How can you “double dip” in your business? Perhaps you can think of a few ways…
I recently came across another Amazon Influencer, John Shea, who is definitely double dipping with the product review videos he creates.
First, he posts “faceless” Amazon videos on his Amazon Influencer account.
This has led him to make $187k in commissions last year. You can see how John is making his money right here.
Then he also has a YouTube channel where he’s posting these same videos.
Official double dip.
As mentioned, last week, I’ve started making some videos for the Amazon Influencer program.
The fact that you can post videos directly on Amazon and they get posted on the Amazon product pages is still kinda mind blowing for me.