Website Banner Design
I will provide text and picture. I need someone to create the same banner
design for me ( I will provide) in
- 300 x 100
- 468 X 60
- 234 X 60
- 180 X 150
- 125 x 125
- 300 X 250
- 250 X 250
Website Banner Design
I will provide text and picture. I need someone to create the same banner
design for me ( I will provide) in
This is an article I plan on adding on to over time and more credible platforms to sell Shopify and Ecommerce stores come online. Original article appeared on LInked In...
I just saw a Redit post that listed this platfrom as a place to buy and sell web properties. I did a quick breeze through and it looks promising. www.Aquire.com